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- Eesti Ornitoloogiaühing
- Veski 4, Tartu 51005
By afternoon we had already seen plenty of Velvet Scoters, with flocks mostly coming close. Suddenly Gabi calls out a small flock almost overhead. As it is already so close, I lift my camera directly and start shooting, just as both Gabi and Tarvo shouts to look at the second bird! Fortunately I already have pics and just manage to get my scope on the bird, before it disappears behind the corner. A very nice way for Gabi and Chris to end their period at Põõsaspea and very lucky for Tarvo, visiting just for one day.
Later just before dark there is probably another one, the last bird of a large flock, but unfortunately not so close and with the dark already setting. Obtained picks leave much to be desired. But let’s see….