Embracing Self-Improvement While Counting Birds at Põõsaspea


Birdwatching at Põõsaspea has always been an enriching experience for me, offering a unique opportunity to connect with nature and contribute to important avian research. However, for many of us, this birdwatching haven has become much more than just a spot for observing our feathered friends. It has transformed into a place of personal growth and self-improvement.

To reduce our carbon emissions and promote sustainability we have provided counters with bikes. Many of us ride our bikes to the counting spot, covering distances of 7-12 kilometers each way. This daily exercise is not only a fantastic way to reduce our carbon footprint, but it also promotes cardiovascular health and boosts overall well-being. The ride to the peninsula through beautiful landscapes is invigorating, providing a perfect blend of physical activity and mental relaxation before we even begin our day of bird counting.
I have also started to treat these counting periods as a good time to make my lifestyle healthier. While here, I eat healthier, consume less sweets and alcohol. I can achieve it not because of improved self discipline but because of Põõsaspea’s remote location, with the nearest shops far away, presents a unique opportunity to cultivate healthier habits.

There’s an undeniable synergy between being in nature and improving personal well-being. The act of bird counting requires patience, focus, and a deep connection with the environment. These qualities spill over into our personal lives, fostering a greater sense of mindfulness and purpose.
Counting birds at Põõsaspea isn’t a solitary endeavor. It’s a communal activity where we share our passion for ornithology and conversations often revolve around the latest bird sightings, but it also offers a great opportunity for other discussions as well.
Bird counting at Põõsaspea offers much more than just a chance to observe Estonia’s avian wonders. It’s a path to self-improvement, providing physical exercise, promoting healthy eating, and fostering a supportive community.
Join us on this journey and discover the myriad ways birdwatching at Põõsaspea can enrich your life.


Kontaktandmed all servas

  • Põõsaspea rändeloenduse koordinaator: Annika Forsten (annika.forsten/at/gmail.com)
  • Projekti koordineerib Eesti Ornitoloogiaühing

Projekti toetab SA Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus