Common Scoter Mustvaeras migration on 29 July


We have been waiting for the Common Scoters Melanitta nigra to migrate. The total number of migrated birds have been several hundred thousands smaller than usual. But after some fair days with 10,000 to 20,000 birds, on 29 July we finally saw some good numbers. The previous evening 31,000 were counted at Purekkari, Lääne-Viru. The morning grew dark and drizzly, with a north-northwest wind of up to 14 m/s. Not the ideal wind for Common Scoter, as they prefer a tail wind. But it had been a tail wind from the White Sea, all the way over land to the Gulf of Finland. Hitting a crosswind at Põõsaspea, the birds chose to migrate, but were pushed unusually close, passing just outside the shoals of the shore. Already from before sunrise, the flocks were coming, with the numbers growing until about 8 or 9am. Because of the dark, and the flocks passing quickly, as they were so close, it was quite a challenge to also find a count the few females in the flocks. At this time it is almost only the males which are migrating. The morning saw some 36,000 scoters pass us.
During the midday shift, the movement eased, but it started again later in the evening with the birds passing as close as in the morning, but now in brilliant sun light. The day total was 65,779 which is the 6th best autumn total for Põõsaspea, with the best being just over 91,000 and the best for Estonia 106,000 counted at Vergi sadam further east, a year ago. As of 31 July we are still missing 200,000 Common Scoters, the numbers are similar with July of the years 2004 and 2009. In July of 2014 there were 80,000 more than in July this year.


Mustvaerad / Common Scoters Mustvaerad / Common Scoters Mustvaerad Mustvaerad Mustvaerad Mustvaerad

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  • Põõsaspea rändeloenduse koordinaator: Annika Forsten (annika.forsten/at/
  • Projekti koordineerib Eesti Ornitoloogiaühing

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