August 14th - the Day of the Oystercatchers


The day started with some impressive flocks of 20-70 oystercatchers. These flocks were the largest I had ever seen, and the sun made the birds shine beautifully, so I was really enjoying the show.

At one point, a long row of white dots appeared on the horizon, far, far away. Peter and I were both confused about what kind of birds they were because the flock looked massive. As the birds got closer, we recognized them as oystercatchers and shouted them out. Everyone began estimating how many birds there were, with guesses like 85, 90, and 100 being called out. Counting the exact number was difficult because the birds were now in a very dense and swirling flock. Luckily, Annika took some photos and then counted the birds from behind after they passed as they spread out. The number she got was a surprise to everyone—174 birds! It was almost twice as many as we had thought! It really showed how badly you can underestimate the size of a flock when the birds are clumped together.

The oystercatchers kept coming steadily throughout the day, but in the end, we were a few hundred birds short of the all-time record. Still, with 1,160 birds counted, it was the second best day for oystercatchers at Põõsaspea. The record—1,562 individuals from August 15th, 2009—still stands strong.


174 Oystercatchers (c) Annika Forsten 174 Oystercatchers (c) Annika Forsten (c) Pelle Mellov (c) Pelle Mellov

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  • Põõsaspea rändeloenduse koordinaator: Annika Forsten (annika.forsten/at/
  • Projekti koordineerib Eesti Ornitoloogiaühing

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