All bird data of season 2014 has been entered into single table, flock by flock, and supplemented with details of plumages, ages and passing times. This is in form of Excel-sheet, but it is easy to convert to other files. The file size is 17 Mb. You may download database for scientifical purposes here
Recommended citation is: Estonian Ornithological Society 2014, project „the migratory bird counts of Põõsaspea”, www.eoy.ee/poosaspea. For additional information, ask the project coordinator (Margus Ellermaa).

All the data of season 2019 is available as a large Excel-sheet (8 Mb). You may download the data for scientifical purposes here
Recommended citation is: Estonian Ornithological Society 2019, project „the migratory bird counts of Põõsaspea”, www.eoy.ee/poosaspea. For additional information, ask the project coordinator (Margus Ellermaa).

Kontaktandmed all servas

  • Põõsaspea rändeloenduse koordinaator: Annika Forsten (annika.forsten/at/gmail.com)
  • Projekti koordineerib Eesti Ornitoloogiaühing

Projekti toetab SA Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus